342532005: MICR Code of Yes Bank, PAL ROAD, JODHPUR

PAL ROAD, JODHPUR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 342532005, located at the YES BANK LTD – Shop No.1 and 2 Ashok Udhyan Craft Market, Pal Road,Jodhpur – 342008. MICR Code: 342532005Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: PAL ROAD, JODHPURCity Code: 342Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 005Address: YES … Read more

342532004: MICR Code of Yes Bank, CHOPASANI ROAD

CHOPASANI ROAD branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 342532004, located at the Grd,Mezzanine Flr Sanskriti Tower Plot No. 5, Ligh Sector- 3 Masuria Scheme, Chopasni Road Jodhpur Rajasthan- 342003. MICR Code: 342532004Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: CHOPASANI ROADCity Code: 342Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 004Address: Grd,Mezzanine Flr … Read more

342532003: MICR Code of Yes Bank, PHALODI

PHALODI branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 342532003, located at the Yes Bank Ltd, Ground Floor, Plot No.343, Indira Colony, Nagour Road, Phalodi, Rajasthan 342301. MICR Code: 342532003Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: PHALODICity Code: 342Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 003Address: Yes Bank Ltd, Ground Floor, Plot No.343, … Read more

342532002: MICR Code of Yes Bank, JODHPUR

JODHPUR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 342532002, located at the Ground Floor, 117/4, Pwd Colony, Jodhpur, Rajasthan- 342001.. MICR Code: 342532002Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: JODHPURCity Code: 342Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 002Address: Ground Floor, 117/4, Pwd Colony, Jodhpur, Rajasthan- 342001.City: JodhpurState: RajasthanPincode: 342001 MICR (Magnetic … Read more

341532201: MICR Code of Yes Bank, JODHPUR ROAD,MERTA

JODHPUR ROAD,MERTA branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 341532201, located at the Yes Bank Ltd, Hotel Charbhuja, Opposite Hdfc Bank Near Nagar Palika, Jodhpur Road Merta Rajasthan 341510. MICR Code: 341532201Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: JODHPUR ROAD,MERTACity Code: 341Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 201Address: Yes Bank Ltd, … Read more

335532007: MICR Code of Yes Bank, KARANPUR, SRIGANGANAGAR

KARANPUR, SRIGANGANAGAR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 335532007, located at the Yes Bank Ltd, Ground floor ,Lakkar Mandi,Karanpur Taluka,Shriganganagar. MICR Code: 335532007Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: KARANPUR, SRIGANGANAGARCity Code: 335Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 007Address: Yes Bank Ltd, Ground floor ,Lakkar Mandi,Karanpur Taluka,ShriganganagarCity: KaranpurState: RajasthanPincode: 335073 … Read more

335532006: MICR Code of Yes Bank, PADAMPUR

PADAMPUR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 335532006, located at the Ground floor, Plot No. 123, Ward No.5, Dhan Mandi Road, Padampur taluk, Sri Ganganagar district,        Rajasthan – 335041. MICR Code: 335532006Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: PADAMPURCity Code: 335Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 006Address: Ground floor, Plot … Read more

335532005: MICR Code of Yes Bank, KESRISINGHPUR

KESRISINGHPUR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 335532005, located at the Ground floor, Plot No.15, Refugee colony, Kesrisinghpur taluk, Sri Ganganagar district, Rajasthan – 335027. MICR Code: 335532005Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: KESRISINGHPURCity Code: 335Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 005Address: Ground floor, Plot No.15, Refugee colony, Kesrisinghpur … Read more

335532004: MICR Code of Yes Bank, RAWATSAR

RAWATSAR branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 335532004, located at the Yes Bank Ltd, Shop No 73 Grain Market Rwastar Dist Hanumangarh Rajasthan 335524. MICR Code: 335532004Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: RAWATSARCity Code: 335Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 004Address: Yes Bank Ltd, Shop No 73 Grain Market … Read more

335532003: MICR Code of Yes Bank, SANGARIA

SANGARIA branch of Yes Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 335532003, located at the Yes Bank Ltd, Sangaria Shop No 264 And 265 Nai Anaj Mandi Ward No. 7 Sangaria  Dist Hanumangarh Rajasthan 335063. MICR Code: 335532003Name of the Bank: Yes BankName of the Branch: SANGARIACity Code: 335Bank Code: 532Branch Code: 003Address: Yes … Read more