793620537: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, LADRYMBAI

LADRYMBAI branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620537, located at the VIA : JOWAI, LAD RYMBAI, LAD RYMBAI. MICR Code: 793620537Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: LADRYMBAICity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 537Address: VIA : JOWAI, LAD RYMBAI, LAD RYMBAICity: KhlieriatState: MeghalayaPincode: 793200 MICR (Magnetic … Read more

793620102: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Jowai JWI

Jowai JWI branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620102, located at the MEGHALAYA RURAL BANK, JOWAI. MICR Code: 793620102Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: Jowai JWICity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 102Address: MEGHALAYA RURAL BANK, JOWAICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620563: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, CHUTWAKHU

CHUTWAKHU branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620563, located at the P.O Jowai, VIA JOWAI, CHUTWAKHU, WEST JAINTIA HILLS. MICR Code: 793620563Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: CHUTWAKHUCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 563Address: P.O Jowai, VIA JOWAI, CHUTWAKHU, WEST JAINTIA HILLSCity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 … Read more

793620560: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MIHMYNTDU

MIHMYNTDU branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620560, located at the P.O JOWAI, VIA JOWAI, MIHMYNTDU, WEST JAINTIA HILLS. MICR Code: 793620560Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MIHMYNTDUCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 560Address: P.O JOWAI, VIA JOWAI, MIHMYNTDU, WEST JAINTIA HILLSCity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 … Read more

793620542: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, SUNTGA

SUNTGA branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620542, located at the VIA-KHLIEHRIAT,SUTNGA, SUTNGA. MICR Code: 793620542Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: SUNTGACity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 542Address: VIA-KHLIEHRIAT,SUTNGA, SUTNGACity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing Efficiency MICR, or Magnetic … Read more

793620536: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, KHANDULI

KHANDULI branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620536, located at the VIA JOWAI,KHANDULI, JOWAI. MICR Code: 793620536Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: KHANDULICity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 536Address: VIA JOWAI,KHANDULI, JOWAICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing Efficiency MICR, … Read more

793620535: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, LOOKSI

LOOKSI branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620535, located at the VIA JOWAI ROAD, IOOKSI, IOOKSI. MICR Code: 793620535Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: LOOKSICity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 535Address: VIA JOWAI ROAD, IOOKSI, IOOKSICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620534: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, SHANGPUNG

SHANGPUNG branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620534, located at the JOWAI, 8th MILE ,SHANGPUNG, JOWAI. MICR Code: 793620534Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: SHANGPUNGCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 534Address: JOWAI, 8th MILE ,SHANGPUNG, JOWAICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620533: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MAWKAIALO

MAWKAIALO branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620533, located at the VIA-JOWAI, 8th Mile, MAWKAIEW, JOWAI. MICR Code: 793620533Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MAWKAIALOCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 533Address: VIA-JOWAI, 8th Mile, MAWKAIEW, JOWAICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793150 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620544: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, NONGTALANG

NONGTALANG branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620544, located at the NONGTALANG,VIA : AMLAREM, JOWAI. MICR Code: 793620544Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: NONGTALANGCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 544Address: NONGTALANG,VIA : AMLAREM, JOWAICity: JowaiState: MeghalayaPincode: 793109 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing … Read more