794620102: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Williamnagar WNR

Williamnagar WNR branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 794620102, located at the DC OLD COLONY, WILLIAMNAGAR. MICR Code: 794620102Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: Williamnagar WNRCity Code: 794Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 102Address: DC OLD COLONY, WILLIAMNAGARCity: WilliamnagarState: MeghalayaPincode: 794111 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620512: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MAWKDOK

MAWKDOK branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620512, located at the VIA NONGLYER, SOHRA ROAD, MAWKDOK, MAWKDOK. MICR Code: 793620512Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MAWKDOKCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 512Address: VIA NONGLYER, SOHRA ROAD, MAWKDOK, MAWKDOKCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793111 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

793620511: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, PYNURSLA

PYNURSLA branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620511, located at the PYNURSLA, TAMABIL ROAD, PYNURSLA. MICR Code: 793620511Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: PYNURSLACity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 511Address: PYNURSLA, TAMABIL ROAD, PYNURSLACity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793110 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing … Read more

793620565: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MAWLASNAI

MAWLASNAI branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620565, located at the P.O Mawlasnai, Via Bhoirymbong, VIA BHOIRYMBONG, CITY UMSNING. MICR Code: 793620565Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MAWLASNAICity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 565Address: P.O Mawlasnai, Via Bhoirymbong, VIA BHOIRYMBONG, CITY UMSNINGCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793103 … Read more

793620546: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, BHOIRYMBONG

BHOIRYMBONG branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620546, located at the VIA UMIAM, BHOIRYMBONG, BHOIRYNGBONG. MICR Code: 793620546Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: BHOIRYMBONGCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 546Address: VIA UMIAM, BHOIRYMBONG, BHOIRYNGBONGCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793103 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing … Read more

793620007: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Demthring DMT

Demthring DMT branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620007, located at the DEMTHING, VIA : MADANRITING, SHILLONG. MICR Code: 793620007Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: Demthring DMTCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 007Address: DEMTHING, VIA : MADANRITING, SHILLONGCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793021 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

793620531: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MAWRYNGKNENG

MAWRYNGKNENG branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620531, located at the P.O Mawryngkneng, Shillong Jowai Road,. MICR Code: 793620531Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MAWRYNGKNENGCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 531Address: P.O Mawryngkneng, Shillong Jowai Road,City: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793021 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

793620505: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, SOHRYNKHAM

SOHRYNKHAM branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620505, located at the VIA-MADANRTING,SOHRYNGKHAM, SHILLONG. MICR Code: 793620505Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: SOHRYNKHAMCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 505Address: VIA-MADANRTING,SOHRYNGKHAM, SHILLONGCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793021 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing Efficiency MICR, or Magnetic … Read more

793620004: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, Nongmynsong NMS

Nongmynsong NMS branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620004, located at the NONGMYNSONG, VIA : POLO, SHILLONG. MICR Code: 793620004Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: Nongmynsong NMSCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 004Address: NONGMYNSONG, VIA : POLO, SHILLONGCity: ShillongState: MeghalayaPincode: 793019 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

793620569: MICR Code of Meghalaya Rural Bank, MAWPAT

MAWPAT branch of Meghalaya Rural Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 793620569, located at the PO Mawpat, Opp. Office of CRD Block, Mylliem C.D. Block. MICR Code: 793620569Name of the Bank: Meghalaya Rural BankName of the Branch: MAWPATCity Code: 793Bank Code: 620Branch Code: 569Address: PO Mawpat, Opp. Office of CRD Block, Mylliem C.D. … Read more