812019009: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, AMHARA (AMR)

AMHARA (AMR) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019009, located at the VILLAGE AMHARA POST HARCHANDI PS RAJAUN DIST BANKA. MICR Code: 812019009Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: AMHARA (AMR)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 009Address: VILLAGE AMHARA POST HARCHANDI PS RAJAUN DIST … Read more

812019008: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, MARWARI COLLEGE(MRC)

MARWARI COLLEGE(MRC) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019008, located at the CAMPUS OF MARWARI COLLEGE BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY ROAD BHAGALPUR TNB COLLEGE. MICR Code: 812019008Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: MARWARI COLLEGE(MRC)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 008Address: CAMPUS OF MARWARI COLLEGE BHAGALPUR … Read more

812019007: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, AMY ALIGANJ(AAG)

AMY ALIGANJ(AAG) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019007, located at the AGRICULTURE MARKETIMG YARD BOUNSI ROAD. MICR Code: 812019007Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: AMY ALIGANJ(AAG)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 007Address: AGRICULTURE MARKETIMG YARD BOUNSI ROADCity: BHAGALPURState: BiharPincode: 812005 MICR (Magnetic … Read more

812019006: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, TNB COLLEGE(TNB)

TNB COLLEGE(TNB) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019006, located at the BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY CAMPUS. MICR Code: 812019006Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: TNB COLLEGE(TNB)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 006Address: BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY CAMPUSCity: BHAGALPURState: BiharPincode: 812007 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

812019005: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BHAGALPUR UNIVERCITY(BUC)

BHAGALPUR UNIVERCITY(BUC) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019005, located at the BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY CAMPUS PO TNB COLLEGE. MICR Code: 812019005Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BHAGALPUR UNIVERCITY(BUC)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 005Address: BHAGALPUR UNIVERSITY CAMPUS PO TNB COLLEGECity: BHAGALPURState: BiharPincode: 812007 … Read more

812019004: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BHAGALPUR(BGR)

BHAGALPUR(BGR) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 812019004, located at the CHANDRALOK MARKET GHANTAGHAR. MICR Code: 812019004Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BHAGALPUR(BGR)City Code: 812Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 004Address: CHANDRALOK MARKET GHANTAGHARCity: BHAGALPURState: BiharPincode: 812001 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring Cheque Processing … Read more

811019209: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, GOVINDPUR(GVP)

GOVINDPUR(GVP) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 811019209, located at the VILL GOVINDPUR KHIRODHARPUR PO JAMALPUR PS DHARHARA DISTT MUNGER. MICR Code: 811019209Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: GOVINDPUR(GVP)City Code: 811Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 209Address: VILL GOVINDPUR KHIRODHARPUR PO JAMALPUR PS DHARHARA DISTT … Read more

811019208: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, SINGHAI(SGI)

SINGHAI(SGI) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 811019208, located at the SINGHIA PO SHIV KHUND. MICR Code: 811019208Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: SINGHAI(SGI)City Code: 811Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 208Address: SINGHIA PO SHIV KHUNDCity: MUNGERState: BiharPincode: 766001 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

811019207: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, KUMARPUR(KMR)

KUMARPUR(KMR) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 811019207, located at the VILL KUMARPUR PO BARIARPUR. MICR Code: 811019207Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: KUMARPUR(KMR)City Code: 811Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 207Address: VILL KUMARPUR PO BARIARPURCity: MUNGERState: BiharPincode: 811211 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

811019206: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, KESHOPUR(KHR)

KESHOPUR(KHR) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 811019206, located at the VILL KESHOPURE PO BLOCK JAMALPUR. MICR Code: 811019206Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: KESHOPUR(KHR)City Code: 811Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 206Address: VILL KESHOPURE PO BLOCK JAMALPURCity: MUNGERState: BiharPincode: 811214 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more