854019210: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, GWALTOLI

GWALTOLI branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019210, located at the VILL PO GWALTOLI VIA BARSOI. MICR Code: 854019210Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: GWALTOLICity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 210Address: VILL PO GWALTOLI VIA BARSOICity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854105 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

854019209: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BHANDERTAL

BHANDERTAL branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019209, located at the VILL PO GURUBAZAR VIA GURUBAZAR BLOCK BARARI. MICR Code: 854019209Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BHANDERTALCity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 209Address: VILL PO GURUBAZAR VIA GURUBAZAR BLOCK BARARICity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854105 … Read more

854019208: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BASTAUL

BASTAUL branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019208, located at the VILL PO BASTAUL DIST KATIHAR. MICR Code: 854019208Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BASTAULCity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 208Address: VILL PO BASTAUL DIST KATIHARCity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854116 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

854019207: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BARSOI

BARSOI branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019207, located at the VILL BARSOI PO BARSOI VIA BARSOI GHAT. MICR Code: 854019207Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BARSOICity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 207Address: VILL BARSOI PO BARSOI VIA BARSOI GHATCity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854317 … Read more

854019206: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BANIPUR

BANIPUR branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019206, located at the VILL BANIPUR PO DILARPUR BLOCK MANIHARI. MICR Code: 854019206Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BANIPURCity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 206Address: VILL BANIPUR PO DILARPUR BLOCK MANIHARICity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854113 MICR (Magnetic … Read more

854019205: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, BALUA

BALUA branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019205, located at the VILL BALUA PO SIKKAT VIA GURU BAZAR. MICR Code: 854019205Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: BALUACity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 205Address: VILL BALUA PO SIKKAT VIA GURU BAZARCity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854105 … Read more

854019204: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, MIRCHAIBARI (MCR)

MIRCHAIBARI (MCR) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019204, located at the AMBEDKAR CHOWK MIRCHAIBARI KATIHAR. MICR Code: 854019204Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: MIRCHAIBARI (MCR)City Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 204Address: AMBEDKAR CHOWK MIRCHAIBARI KATIHARCity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854105 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character … Read more

854019203: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank, KATIHAR

KATIHAR branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad Bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019203, located at the MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD KATIHAR. MICR Code: 854019203Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad BankName of the Branch: KATIHARCity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 203Address: MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD KATIHARCity: KATIHARState: BiharPincode: 854105 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

854019105: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bank, MAHENDRAPUR

MAHENDRAPUR branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019105, located at the MAHENDRAPUR BHOGA BHATGAMA PURNEA. MICR Code: 854019105Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bankName of the Branch: MAHENDRAPURCity Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 105Address: MAHENDRAPUR BHOGA BHATGAMA PURNEACity: PURNEAState: BiharPincode: 854337 MICR (Magnetic Ink Character Recognition): Ensuring … Read more

854019104: MICR Code of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bank, BELWA(BLA)

BELWA(BLA) branch of INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bank is associated with the unique MICR Code 854019104, located at the VILL PO GULABBAGH NEAR PAT COMMERCIAL BUILDING NATIONA HIGHWAY DIST PURNIA. MICR Code: 854019104Name of the Bank: INDIAN BANK(INB) e-Allahabad bankName of the Branch: BELWA(BLA)City Code: 854Bank Code: 019Branch Code: 104Address: VILL PO GULABBAGH NEAR PAT COMMERCIAL … Read more